Currently, we are offering pathway experiences in manufacturing. As demand for new pathways increase in the CAREER CLUSTERS LISTED HERE, the program will expand these opportunities
Today’s high school students need access to exploratory career experiences to prepare for their professional lives beyond graduation.
The DuPage County Regional Office of Education (ROE), in partnership with College of DuPage (Project Hire-Ed), and GPS Education Partners (GPSEd), is proud to support hands-on work-based learning opportunities and career exploration for students in a variety of industries throughout DuPage County.
This program is designed to help high school students access training and education to develop their career readiness so that they can succeed in the labor market. Students enrolled in the program can experience paid internships or apprenticeships with local business partners. Students will also have opportunities to tour workplaces, job shadow, and participate in other work-based learning activities to help them align their personal interests with a possible career.
Currently, we are offering pathway experiences in manufacturing. As demand for new pathways increase in the CAREER CLUSTERS LISTED HERE, the program will expand these opportunities
Successful work-based learning models are scalable, systemic, and sustainable. Embedding work-based learning throughout the DuPage education system requires an active part not only on the educators but also efforts from government, community-based organizations and companies all working together so that all students can succeed in the future workforce. Simply put, it is an ecosystem of private and public partnerships that are required for work-based learning to thrive.
Ensure greater access to WBL opportunities for DuPage students by leveraging business and education partnerships
The DuPage ROE has established the WBL and YA Collaborative to connect students with employers to develop skills through internships, apprenticeships, and other WBL activities that drive awareness, exposure, experience, and preparation for a career
The DuPage County WBL and YA Collaborative brings together business, industry, education representatives, and a WBL intermediary to identify and facilitate WBL opportunities to expand work experiences for students in various career pathways.
Ecosystem participants have access to a website that offers tools and guides that provide assets and tips for all stakeholders on how to prepare and provide WBL for student success.